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Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Preserved Invertebrates >> Arthropods

Bess Beetles

Description Price SelectQuantity
Bess Beetle Preserved 10+ - Each $ 2.50
Bess Beetle Preserved - Each $ 3.00
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Centipedes (Preserved)

Centipedes (Preserved)

Centipedes (Class Chilopoda) are fast-moving venomous, predatory terrestrial arthropods that have long bodies and many jointed legs. Chiefly nocturnal, centipedes are found primarily in tropical climates but are also widely distributed in temperate zones. Some species are highly venomous with extremely toxic venom on their claws which can cause death in humans.

As in the closely-related millipedes, they are highly segmented (15 to 173 segments), but with only one pair of walking legs per segment. Centipedes are dorso-ventrally flattened, and are among the fastest and most agile of arthropod predators.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Centipedes (Preserved) Each $ 4.70
Centipedes(Preserved) (10+) Each $ 4.25
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CockroachesThe American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a large species of cockroach, winged, and growing to a length of 1" to 1½" (2.5 cm to 4 cm). It is very common in the southern United States, and in tropical climates, and can be found in many locations throughout the world, due to its travels via shipping and commerce between locations. In the southern U.S., it is often called a Palmetto Bug or a Waterbug. Sightings have been reported in the northeast U.S., such as in New York City, and in southeast Canada, such as in Montreal, where it is mostly found near human habitations due to its lack of cold tolerance. The American cockroach can also be found near various ports throughout the world.

The insect is believed to have originated from Africa, but had become established in the southern U.S. by the time that it was given its name.

The insect can travel quickly, often darting out of sight when someone enters a room, and can fit into small cracks and under doors despite its fairly large size. It is known to be very mobile, and it also has wings which allow it to be quite a capable flier.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) preserved - Each $ 2.00
Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) preserved 10+ - Each $ 0.90
Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana) preserved 100+ - Each $ 0.80
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Crayfish, sometimes called crawfish, or crawdads are freshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, to which they are closely related. They are found in bodies of fresh water that do not freeze to the bottom, and which have shelter against predators.

Most crayfish cannot tolerate polluted water, although some species such as the invasive Procambarus clarkii are more hardy. Some crayfish have been found living as much as 3 m (10 feet) underground.

Injected specimens had dye injected to highlight the circulatory system.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Crayfish 4-in. Plain (10+) - Each $ 0.97
Crayfish 4-in. Plain (100+) - Each $ 0.89
Crayfish Injected 4-in.+ (10+) - Each $ 1.15
Crayfish 4-in. Injected (100+) - Each $ 1.00
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Description Price SelectQuantity
Dragonflies (preserved) 10+ - Each $ 1.15
Dragonflies (preserved) 100+ - Each $ 1.05
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Fiddler Crab

Description Price SelectQuantity
Fiddler Crab(preserved) - Each $ 3.00
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Gooseneck Barnacles

Gooseneck Barnacles

Gooseneck barnacles are filter-feeding crustaceans that lives attached to hard surfaces of rocks and flotsam in the ocean intertidal zone. They are easily recognizable by their distinctive long and muscular stalk, which is edible and is considered a delicacy in several Mediterranean countries.

Some species of gooseneck barnacles are pelagic and are most frequently found on tidewrack on oceanic coasts. Unlike most other types of barnacles, intertidal gooseneck barnacles depend on water motion rather than the movement of their cirri for feeding, and are therefore found only on exposed or moderately exposed coasts. In Spain and Portugal they are known as percebes and there is a percebes festival in Galicia (on Spain's Atlantic coast) every summer.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Gooseneck Barnacles - Vial of 10 $ 9.90
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Horseshoe Crab (Limulus)

Horseshoe Crab (Limulus)

The horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is a chelicerate arthropod, therefore it is more closely related to spiders and scorpions than crabs. They are most commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the northern Atlantic coast of North America. A main area of annual migration is the Delaware Bay.

A Japanese variant (Tachypleus tridentatus) is found in the Seto Inland Sea, but is considered an endangered species because of loss of habitat. They can grow up to 20 inches (51 cm), on a diet of mollusks, annelid worms, and other invertebrates. They find these prey under the sand, where they spend most of their lives. In captivity, its diet should be supplemented with meaty items such as pieces of squid and shrimp (Foster and Smith, 2004). Its mouth is located in the middle of the underside of the cephalothorax. A pair of pincers (chelicerae) for seizing food are found on each side of the mouth.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Horseshoe Crab(Limulus) - Each $ 22.00
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Millipede (Preserved)

Description Price SelectQuantity
Millipede (Preserved) - Each $ 3.40
Millipede (Preserved) 10+ - Each $ 2.85
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Romalea (Lubber Grasshopper)

Romalea (Lubber Grasshopper)

Grasshoppers are herbivorous insects of the suborder Caelifera in the order Orthoptera. To distinguish them from bush crickets or katydids, they are sometimes referred to as short-horned grasshoppers. Species that change colour and behaviour at high population densities are called locusts.

The eastern lubber grasshopper, Romalea guttata, is often used in teaching laboratories as the introduction to insect anatomy.  Grasshoppers are relatively primitive, more or less typical insects.  Romalea is a large insect, with females (which are larger than males) reaching 75 mm in length and is easily dissected. It is a good example of general, relatively unspecialized insect anatomy.

Injected specimens have dye injected to highlight the tracheal system.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Romalea (Lubber Grasshopper) - Each $ 1.20
Romalea (Lubber Grasshopper) 10+ - Each $ 0.55
Romalea (Lubber Grasshopper) - 100+ - Each $ 0.50
Romalea (Tracheal System Injected) 10+ - Each $ 0.88
Romalea (Tracheal System Injected) 100+ - Each $ 0.74
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The scorpion's body is divided into two main segments: the cephalothorax (also called the prosoma) and the abdomen/opisthosoma. The abdomen consists of the mesosoma and the metasoma.

Cephalothorax/prosoma: the scorpion's “head”, comprising the carapace, eyes, chelicerae (mouth parts), pedipalps (claw) and the four pairs of walking legs.

Mesosoma: the abdomen's first half, is made up of six segments. The first segment contains the sexual organs as well as a pair of vestigial and modified appendages forming a structure called the genital operculum. The second segment bears a pair of featherlike sensory organs known as the pectines; the final four segments each contain a pair of book lungs. The mesosoma is armoured with chitinous plates, the tergites plates upper surface and the sternites plates the lower surface.

Metasoma: the scopion's tail, comprising six segments (the first tail segment looks like a last mesosoman segment), the last containing the scopion's anus and bearing the telson (the sting). The telson, in turn, consists of the vesicle, which holds a pair of venom (poison) glands and the hypodermic aculeus, the vemon injecting barbex.

Cuticle: this makes a tough armour around the body. In some places it is covered with hairs that act like balance organs. An outer layer that makes them fluoresce green under ultraviolet light is called the hyaline layer. Newly molted scorpions do not glow until after their cuticle has hardened. The fluoresent hyaline layer can be intact in hundreds of millions of year-old fossil rocks.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Scorpions Preserved - Each $ 3.90
Scorpions Preserved (10+) - Each $ 3.25
Scorpions Preserved (100+) - Each $ 3.05
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The black widow spider (Latrodectus spp.) is a spider notorious for its neurotoxic venom. It is a large widow spider found throughout the world and commonly associated with urban habitats or agricultural areas.

True tarantulas are spiders belonging to the family Theraphosidae (Greek for thera "wild animal, beast" + phos "light"). These spiders may also be known as bird spiders, monkey spiders, baboon spiders or rain spiders. They are characterized by having tarsi (feet) with two claws and claw tufts, called scopulae. Related families include the funnel-web spiders and the trap door spiders, which sometimes also get called tarantulas. The family Theraphosidae includes over 800 different species of tarantulas, divided over 12 subfamilies (formerly 13) and 11 genera.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Spider Black Widow - Each $ 8.40
Spider Black Widow (10+) - Each $ 7.90
Spiders (Non Specific) - Each $ 2.15
Spiders (Non Specific) (10+) - Each $ 1.94
Tarantula - Each $ 8.90
Tarantula (10+) - Each $ 8.00
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TicksTick is the common name for the small arachnids that, along with mites, constitute the order Acarina. Ticks are ectoparasites (external parasites), living by hematophagy on the blood of mammals, birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Ticks are important vectors of a number of diseases.
Description Price SelectQuantity
Tick Preserved - Vial/10 $ 14.00
Tick Preserved - Each $ 2.60
Tick Preserved (10+) - Each $ 1.48
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665