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Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Live Vertebrates >> Amphibians

Amphiuma (Congo Eel) (Live)

Amphiuma (Congo Eel) (Live)

Amphiuma is a genus of aquatic salamanders, the only genus within the family Amphiumidae. They are also known as "congo eels" or "congo snakes", which are zoologically incorrect designations.

Amphiumas have an elongated body, generally grey-black in color. They do have legs, but they are very small, while amphiumas can be up to 1 m long, but their legs measure only 2 cm. Therefore, they can resemble eels.

Larvae have external gills. After four months these external gills disappear and the lungs begin to work. One pair of gill slits is retained and never disappears, so the metamorphosis remains incomplete.

Currently unavailable.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Amphiuma (Congo Eel) - Live - Each (18-in.-24-in.) (out of stock) $ 12.00
Amphiuma (Congo Eel) - Live - (12+) - Each - (18-in. - 24-in.) $ 10.00
Amphiuma (Congo Eel) - Live - Each - (24-in.+) (out of stock) $ 14.00
Amphiuma (Congo Eel) - Live - (12+) - Each - (24-in.+) $ 11.80
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Bullfrogs Live

Bullfrogs LiveThe American Bull Frog (Lithobates) is an aquatic frog, a member of the family Ranidae, or "true frogs", native to much of North America.

Bull frogs are large amphibians and can grow to a body length of 6 inches (15 cm) with a weight of 1.5 lb (750 g). Females are typically larger than males. They are generally varying shades of green or brown, with dark brown, dark green, or black blotching and a yellow or white underside.

We do not sell live frogs to non educators. They are not sold for pets.


3-4" Bullfrogs are seasonal, but make a great substitute for grass frogs!

Description Price SelectQuantity
Bullfrogs 3-4-in Live - Each $ 19.00
Bullfrogs 3-4" Live 12+ - Each $ 18.00
Bullfrogs 4-5" Live - Each $ 22.50
Bullfrogs 4-5" Live - 12+ - Each $ 21.00
Bullfrogs 5-6" Live - Each $ 29.00
Bullfrogs 5-6" Live - 12+ - Each $ 28.00
Bullfrogs 6"+ Live - Each $ 29.50
Bullfrogs 6"+ Live - 12+ - Each $ 28.50
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Dwarf Aquatic Frog

Dwarf Aquatic FrogAfrican dwarf frogs of genus Hymenochirus, also known as dwarf aquatic frogs (ADF or DAF for short), are frogs native to Sub Saharan Africa. They are members of Family Pipidae.

They are entirely aquatic though they do break the water surface as they are air breathers. They are nearly blind at close range being far-sighted, but have keen sight 7 cm or further away. They rely on a sharp sense of smell and touch to find food. They are meat eaters and eat small insects, worms, fish meat and red mosquito larvae, also known as bloodworms (though this food should only be fed once a week in captivity). They are often sold in pet shops and can live in captivity for 10-20 years.

They are cousins to the larger African clawed frog. When very young, African dwarf frogs can be confused with African clawed frogs, but may be distinguished by their heavily webbed toes. They are usually only an inch and a half in body length when fully grown; females are generally larger than the males.

The male makes a quiet mating call when sexually active; females are typically silent. At 6 months old, males reach sexual maturity, and can be identified by a red section of skin behind each armpit that appears as a result of gland development.


Description Price SelectQuantity
Dwarf Aquatic Frog - Each $ 3.50
Dwarf Aquatic Frog - Class 8 $ 24.00
Dwarf Aquatic Frog- Class 16 $ 48.00
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Grassfrogs (Live)

Grassfrogs (Live)Leopard frogs, which are also called meadow frogs and grass frogs, are a collection of so-called true frogs within the genus Rana. Once abundant in North America and Canada, their population has declined in recent years due to pollution and deforestation. Leopard frogs are often used as environmental indicator species because of their heightened sensitivity to chemical pollutants found in the air and water and are commonly used as dissection specimens in biology classrooms.

Leopard frogs are recognized by their green or brown coloration with distinct light-edged dark spots across the back and pure white underside. They also have a characteristic line of raised glandular skin, called the dorsolateral ridge, extending from each eye to the groin.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Grassfrogs Live - 2 - 2.5" - Each $ 6.90
Grassfrogs Live - 2 - 2.5" (12+) - Each $ 4.85
Grassfrogs Live - 2.5 - 3" - Each $ 7.10
Grassfrogs Live - 2.5 - 3" (12+) - Each $ 5.80
Grassfrogs Live - 3 - 3.5" - Each $ 8.80
Grassfrogs Live - 3 - 3.5" (12+) - Each $ 7.10
Grassfrogs Live - 3.5"+ - Each $ 10.75
Grassfrogs Live - 3.5"+ (12+) - Each $ 9.80
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Tree Frog

Tree FrogTree frogs (Western Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata) are frogs of the family Hylidae. There is large variation within the tree frogs. Many of the arboreal frogs are green in colour, whereas the terrestrial and aquatic species are duller. They mostly feed on insects, however some of the larger species can feed on small vertebrates. Many of the tree frogs are not arboreal, and can be terrestrial or aquatic. The species within the genus Cyclorana are burrowing frogs, sometimes spending many years underground.

The European tree frogs (for instance Hyla arborea) are common in the middle and south of the continent, and range into Asia and the north of Africa. The species become very noisy on the approach of rain, and are sometimes kept in confinement as a kind of barometer.

In North America there are many species of tree frog, including Hyla versicolor, a species of grey treefrog, and Hyla cinerea, the green tree frog. The spring peeper is also widespread in the eastern United States and commonly heard on summer and spring evenings.

The tree toad is a popular name for several of the Hylidae. Hyla versicolor is the changeable tree toad, Trachycephalus lichenatus is the lichened, and T. marmoratus the marbled tree toad.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Western Chorus Frog - Each $ 12.00
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Frog Eggs

Frog Eggs

Frog eggs are encased in a gelatinous fluid and laid in water. During these breeding periods, a female may deposit anywhere from 19 to 30,000 eggs! Each egg sack alone can, depending on the species, contain hundreds and hundreds of eggs. Since frog eggs are a favorite delicacy of many predators, laying the eggs in large numbers usually assures that at least a few will hatch into tadpoles, and an even fewer number will grow to be adults.

When the tadpole has had enough time to develop inside the egg, the envelope holding the egg in the mass will either disintegrate or a chemical that the tadpoles secrete will cause the egg to break up. The tadpole will then emerge, using its external gills to collect oxygen from the water and its small, specialized mouth to collect algae. The tadpole will quickly develop a long, compressed tail which helps it to maneuver around in the water.

Seasonal, only available in early spring.

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLEYou might also be interested in the following items or information:
Description Price SelectQuantity
Frog Eggs - Mass $ 18.75
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Tadpoles (Various Sizes)

Tadpoles (Various Sizes)

A tadpole (also known as a pollywog or polliwog) is a larval frog. In this stage it breathes by means of external or internal gills, is at first lacking legs, and has a finlike tail with which it swims as most fish do, by lateral undulation. As a tadpole matures, it metamorphoses by gradually growing limbs and then (in the case of frogs and toads) absorbing its tail by apoptosis (controlled cell death). Tadpoles depend very much on clean water. Most tadpoles are herbivorous, subsisting on algae or other greens such as boiled lettuce in captivity. However, they are true omnivores, being able to adapt to a carnivorous life style as well. When kept under herbivorous conditions, the gut becomes long and spiral. Under carnivore conditions, the gut becomes shorter. In a few species, some tadpoles turn cannibalistic under harsh conditions and feed on other tadpoles living in the pond.

Western chorus frogs tadpoles are seasonal, please call for availability. These tadpoles will complete their metamorphosis within one season.

Bullfrog tadpoles are available year round, and may take up to two years to complete their metamorphosis. CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE You might also be interested in the following items or information:

Description Price SelectQuantity
Chorus Frog Tadpoles - Each $ 2.00
Chorus Frog Tadpoles - Dozen $ 21.00
Bullfrog Tadpoles (Various Sizes) - Each $ 2.00
Bullfrog Tadpoles (Various Sizes) - Dozen $ 21.00
Algae Water (Food for Tadpoles) $ 5.00
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665