Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Sunday, May 19, 2024
Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Preserved Invertebrates >> Arthropods >> Centipedes (Preserved)

Centipedes (Preserved)

Centipedes (Preserved)

Centipedes (Class Chilopoda) are fast-moving venomous, predatory terrestrial arthropods that have long bodies and many jointed legs. Chiefly nocturnal, centipedes are found primarily in tropical climates but are also widely distributed in temperate zones. Some species are highly venomous with extremely toxic venom on their claws which can cause death in humans.

As in the closely-related millipedes, they are highly segmented (15 to 173 segments), but with only one pair of walking legs per segment. Centipedes are dorso-ventrally flattened, and are among the fastest and most agile of arthropod predators.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Centipedes (Preserved) Each $ 4.70
Centipedes(Preserved) (10+) Each $ 4.25
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665