Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Sunday, May 19, 2024
Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Preserved Invertebrates >> Arthropods >> Spiders



The black widow spider (Latrodectus spp.) is a spider notorious for its neurotoxic venom. It is a large widow spider found throughout the world and commonly associated with urban habitats or agricultural areas.

True tarantulas are spiders belonging to the family Theraphosidae (Greek for thera "wild animal, beast" + phos "light"). These spiders may also be known as bird spiders, monkey spiders, baboon spiders or rain spiders. They are characterized by having tarsi (feet) with two claws and claw tufts, called scopulae. Related families include the funnel-web spiders and the trap door spiders, which sometimes also get called tarantulas. The family Theraphosidae includes over 800 different species of tarantulas, divided over 12 subfamilies (formerly 13) and 11 genera.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Spider Black Widow - Each $ 8.40
Spider Black Widow (10+) - Each $ 7.90
Spiders (Non Specific) - Each $ 2.15
Spiders (Non Specific) (10+) - Each $ 1.94
Tarantula - Each $ 8.90
Tarantula (10+) - Each $ 8.00
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665