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Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Sunday, May 19, 2024
Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies. Biological supplies, FOSS and STC refill kits, Owl Pellets, life science and biology supplies.
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Preserved Invertebrates >> Molluscs >> Land Snails (Preserved)

Land Snails (Preserved)

Land Snails (Preserved)

The name snail applies to most members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells. Snails are found in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments. Most are of herbivorous nature, though a few land species and many marine species may be omnivores or carnivores. Other gastropods, which lack a conspicuous shell, are commonly called slugs, and are scattered throughout groups that primarily include snails.

While most people are familiar with only terrestrial snails, the majority of snails are not terrestrial. Snails with lungs belong to the group Pulmonata, while those with gills form a paraphyletic group.

Description Price SelectQuantity
Land Snails Preserved (10+) - Each $ 1.20
Land Snails Preserved (100+) - Each $ 0.90
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Niles Biological, Inc.
9298 Elder Creek Road
Sacramento, CA 95829
(916) 386-2665